Online Income Reports Roundup for January 2020

Monthly Income Report - 2020 January

Well, we’ve finished the first month of the start of the new year and time for another roundup of online income reports.  There have been some busy bloggers and entrepreneurs out there that were willing to share their online income, so I figured I’d gather as many as could find and post a roundup of January 2020 online income reports.

Why am I doing this?

First, it’s just cool to see what people are doing and the success they are having.  Congratulations to all those that are having success in their online ventures.  A second reason is that it is motivating to me to see from month to month the progress they are making and the different things they are doing.  In the reports, there is a lot of great information when you dig down into the nitty-gritty of how they do what they do, whether it be by affiliate marketing through Amazon or others, displaying ads that they are paid for the total number of page views, selling digital products they created on their own or providing services in their areas of expertise.

Learn what works and what to work on.

Many of the bloggers and entrepreneurs that publish their income reports will also review what they have done during the past month.  Sometimes there are detailed descriptions about how they went about accomplishing their goals and what effect it had on the traffic and income of their sites.  Usually, they will also describe what their goals for the next month are and how they intend to accomplish them.  There are so many things we can learn from their experiences.

Enough already!  Right?  Let’s get down to the numbers.  Here’s a list of sites that I found online income reports for January of 2020:


January 2020

Net Income?


Entrepreneur on Fire $113,669 Net Online Products, Membership sites, Audiobooks, eBooks, Podcast Sponsorships, Affiliate Marketing
Kate Kordsmeier $75,360 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Sponsored Content, Coaching, Digital Products
One Hour Professor $23,776 Net Consulting, Shutterstock Images, Affiliate Marketing
Ryan Robinson $18,304 Net Affiliate Marketing, Digital products, Display Ads
Shannon Mattern $12,801 Net Affiliate Marketing, Digital Products
Roberto Blake $12,179 No Expenses listed YouTube Monetization, Merchandise Sales, AffiliateMarketing, Sponsorships
Introvert Coach $10,645 Net Pinterest Services, Digital Products, Affiliate Marketing
Chic Pursuit $9,667 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Digital Products
A Sassy Spoon $8,822 Net Display Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Coaching
Ryan Hogue $8,600 No Expenses listed Amazon FBA, Amazon Merch, Dropshipped, Display Ads, Amazon KDP
Mom Beach $7,026 Net Drop Shipping, Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Digital Products
Living the Dream $7,000 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads
Miranda Nahmias $4,273 Net Virtual Assistant, Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Coaching
My Road to Wealth and Freedom $3,516 No Expenses listed Dividends, Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads
Midwest Foodie $3,305 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads
Online Minimalist $2,662 Net Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts, Coaching
Thyme and Joy $2,009 No Expenses listed Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Virtual Assistant, Other
Hangry Woman $1,806 Net Display Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Consulting, Partnerships
Travel Blog Stories $1,560 Net Affiliate Marketing, Digital Products
It’s Alan Young $1,514 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Youtube Ads
Mom Makes Joy $1,021 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Digital Products
Financial Flamingo $930 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads
WP Intensity $913 Net Display Ads, Affiliate Marketing
Easy Blog Emily $742 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Product Sales, Services
A Fresh Start on a Budget $397 Net Display Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Products
The Fit Delish $357 Net Instagram Sponsored Posts
The Atlas Heart $348 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads
About Social Anxiety $331 Net Display Ads, Affiliate Marketing
Money Savvy Mindset $311 Net Zazzle Shop
Blogging and Living $308 Net Fiverr, Affiliate Marketing
Blog Blossom $275 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads
Lifestyle with Leah $249 Net Display Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts, Digital Products
Totally Spent $217 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Surveys
Those Positive Thoughts $200 Net Display Ads, Amazon KDP, Affiliate Marketing
Wallet Squirrel $147 No Expenses listed Display Ads, Affiliate Marketing, dividends, Interest, Stock Photography, Article Writing
Making Days Count $10 No Expenses listed Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads
Oge Enyi -$7 Net Display Ads
Mathers on the Map -$20 Net Affiliate Marketing, Display Ads, Course Sales
Total Income $335,225

Do you post an income report or know of some other sites I should include on the list? Let me know and I’ll add them to future reports!

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