
So where does YMIDoingThis come from anyway?  Here’s the story, back in 2008 I go the itch to start a website, I was going to make millions…. didn’t happen.  I didn’t know what I wanted to do or even have a name, so my wife came up with this one.  I liked it, but still didn’t know what to do with it so it became a random testing ground for a bunch of different ideas.  With my busy schedule with work, school and family nothing ever really happened back then, but I kept the domain just in case.

Fast forward to today.  This year I hope to have a little more success with some of my online ventures and I want to keep track of my progress and share with anyone who is interested.  I’ve got a lot on my plate, considering I’m going to try and hit this hard, but only on a part time basis.  I’ve still got a day job after all.

One of the things I’ve found really helpful over the years are the success stories of others.  I like to see what they are doing and of course how much they are making.  I’ve found there are a number of sites online that will share their online income reports with their communities.  Seeing how much they are making shows me the possibilities, but the real value is when they explain how they are doing what they are doing.  I’ll be looking for sites like those to share with you too.  They are a great resource.

In order to track my own progress here, I’ll share some of the projects and goals I’m working on with you too.  It’ll be interesting to see if sharing helps me be more accountable and stay focused.  Who knows, but I’ll give it a try.  These things do take time though and with a busy schedule it will be hard to keep up.  I have a few things going right now.  I’m working on an affiliate site with a business partner of mine (just barely starting to earn),  I’ve started selling on Amazon (this has been a fun one) and need to grow that business, I have a couple of other ideas in the works too along with keeping up with this site.

So Why aM I Doing This?  A couple of reasons.  I want to get out of debt.  It’s such a strain that no one needs.  A second reason, I don’t want to always feel tied to a job.  I don’t mind having one, but I want to work because I want to, not because I have to.  Getting out of debt will play a major role in getting to the “want to” state of mind.  With that I’ll be sharing things I’m doing to reduce my debts and maybe even share my progress as I pay it down.  As I go through this process of learning to earn and paying off the debt I hope I can add some valuable insights or ideas for others to use too.  At least enough to get you thinking and start doing something.

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