17 Great Financial Independence Quotes from F I Bloggers

As the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement continues to grow so does the number of amazing bloggers with great stories, information, tips, and support to help you achieve your own financial independence goals.  I’m always looking for good advice and tips to help motivate me to keep on track with my journey to FI.  As I’ve read through a bunch of blogs I’ve come across some quotes from them that I’ve enjoyed.  Here are 17 great financial independence quotes that can help you on your way.

Contrary to what you may think, financial independence is not all about having enough money to cover all your expenses. Financial independence also means being able to overcome your psychological fears to truly live free. – Financial Samuarai

To me, the ultimate reward for achieving financial independence has nothing to do with money; it is having the time to be able to do exactly what I want to do with my life. – Mad FIentist

And many people who reach financial independence never retire fully; they simply switch to a dream job with a lower salary – a dream job that ideally includes health coverage. – G. Brian Davis,   Money Crashers

True financial independence is having enough money in the bank that you don’t have to rely on someone else to pay you. – Stephanie Faris – Money Under 30

Again, financial independence is all about math. There are only two variables here: what you earn and what you spend. – J.D. Roth, Get Rich Slowly

My favorite piece of advice, and the thing I repeat to myself every single day is, “you can decide you’re done waiting.” – Kiersten Saunders, Rich and Regular

Whatever your case may be, you will want to eliminate any debt that is controlling your life in order to reach financial independence. – Michelle Schroeder-Gardner Making Sense of Cents

I realized if I pursued saving and investing with the same fervor I have now, I could reach financial independence instead of work until my 70s. – Melanie Lockert, The College Investor

I would submit that financial security comes before financial independence and that it is really financial security that adds to your happiness. – James M. Dahle, MD, White Coat Investor

If you really think this is the end of financial independence, you’re not thinking long-term. And if you’re not thinking of financial independence at all, chances are you just haven’t considered the possibility.  – Darcy, We Want Guac

Owning my time and creating my own daily schedule is most certainly the greatest luxury I’ve ever had the pleasure of indulging in. – Mr. Free at 33

I’m going to teach you a radical new way to think about and enjoy money that will get you off of your current debt-powered treadmill and into a lifestyle that is completely unimaginable to most people where I live, which happens to be in the United States, ground zero for self-imposed treadmills. – Mr. Money Mustache

If you feel like you are starting in a hole you can still make great steps toward the life you want. – Melissa Neacato – Traveling Wallet

In order to be financially free in this country today, you’ll need to accept being different. Normal means broke, sadly. – Liz Gendreau – Chief Mom Officer

We didn’t trade our careers for jobs. We traded them for permanent control of our time and brain space. – Tanja Hester – Our Next Life

I have been fortunate to achieve financial independence at the age of 30 and I want to help others do the same. Nothing I did was magic – just launching a company, a lot of hustle, smart investing decisions, and forming better money habits.  – Grant Sabatier – Millennial Money

If you’re confident in your ability to use a credit card responsibly, it’s a fabulous way to earn something for nothing. – Mrs. Frugalwoods – Frugalwoods

PF Quotes by FI Bloggers



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